Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whats this NETWORKING is????

In the field of computers, Networking simply means connecting two or more computing devices together for the purpose of sharing some information.

As here in this figure, two desktop PCs(PC0 and PC1) are connected using a wire and this is a simple network. You can increase the size of your network using more than two PCs.
This is all technical definition of networking.
We can go for literal meaning of term networking too eg. if we say two or more persons are communicating with each other, this is a network since air works as a communication medium here.This we can all NETWORK OF PEOPLE.
This is basic definition covered in this post, we'll go for more networking in next posts.

Hope its clear about the term networking and if anyone have any doubt till now can ask about it using the COMMENT section. :)
enjoy reading!!!
Suggestions are always welcome....

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