Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Computer role in networking

A computer that participate in the network activities is a host. A host can send or receive information across the network. A computer can serve the role of a :
a) Client
b) Server
c) Both server and client

A client is a computer host which can send or receive information using the services which are provided by the service provider to the host. eg while surfing the internet the client computer is used to browse the data using web browser (the browser provides the requested results using the services provided by the service provider).

Server -
A computer host which provides the services to the clients. eg a mail server provides the mailing services to their users.

Client and server computer hosts have the different softwares installed on it which makes a server to work as a server and a client as a client. Clients make requests and response for the requests are provided to the clients and servers are responsible for the responses.
A client host uses internet explorer for making a web request and that request is provided with response by the web server(provide web services to the clients).

Client/server relationship is all between the computer hosts. Client/server architecture is a basis of networking. So its very important to know about the client/server architecture. In client/server architecture the hosts are connected to each other in a network. Here client and servers are distinguished according to their work in the network i.e. the hosts which is requesting for service is a client and other which is providing service is a server.

Fig: Showing host as a client and a server

Here in this figure i have shown 3 servers and 3 clients connected together to form a network using a switch.

Thats it for this post....... enjoy reading...

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